II.Special Bashing Case Attacker may be penalized if defender’s gameplay is influenced to a certain extend by constant attacks.
1.Special Bashing Case (ratio) can also be enforced if the following number of attacks is fulfilled.
From level 1 to 14 - 2 attacks / per day* allowed
From level 15 to 40 - 3 attacks / per day* allowed
From level 41 to 99 - 4 attacks / per day* allowed
From level 100+ - 5 attacks / per day* allowed
!This Rule applies to attacks made in minimum 5 days.
[How to calculate ratio: The average amount taken when the total number
of attacks is divided with the number of days in which those attacks
have been made.
(Total Number of attacks) / (Number of days) = # attacks per day]
2.If a player is suffering from unprovoked attacks with purpose of
keeping his health points down so he/she can no longer be able to
3.In any other situation that the defender’s gameplay is severely harmed.
Rules 2 and 3 apply to attacks made in minimum of 2 days.
!!!Abuse of this Rule may lead to ban or warn (depending on the severity of the abuse).
Violation Consequences:
1st offense: 1 to 3 days
2nd offense: 5 days
3rd offense: 7 days
4th offense: 14 days
Each next offense: up to 35days
ты понял сразу что имелось ввиду?)) ![wacko](http://s8.ucoz.net/sm/2/wacko.gif)